Jon C. PetersonDirectorJon C. Peterson, D.M.A. is now in his 12th year as Director of the All-Ohio State Fair Youth Choir. Dr. Peterson serves as Director of Music Ministries at First Congregational Church of Hudson (FCCH), where he oversees a growing program that includes six adult ensembles in addition to several musical opportunities for youth and children. This spring he was named Artistic Director of Hudson Community Choruses, coming from a three-year tenure with the Master Singers Chorale of Northeast Ohio. Prior to coming to FCCH in the fall of 2020, Dr. Peterson served as Associate Professor of Music at Malone University and, previously, as Assistant Professor of Music at Bluffton University. He received doctoral and master degrees in choral conducting with a doctoral minor in historical musicology from The University of Arizona and Southern Methodist University, respectively. He graduated from Austin College with an undergraduate degree in vocal performance. Previously, he served on the music faculty at Bluffton University and as artistic director of The Magpie Consort, a Columbus-based chamber chorus. His vast experiences in choral conducting, performance and music ministry have provided him the opportunity to work with such ensembles as the Canton Symphony, Arkansas Symphony, and Dallas Symphony Chorus among others. Away from music, Dr. Peterson enjoys cycling, cooking and spending time with his wife, Karen, and two sons – Ian and Henry.
Edward P. GallagherDirector of operationsEd Gallagher is in his 10th year on the staff serving as Director of Operations for both the AOSFYC and All-Ohio State Fair Band. Mr. Gallagher was a 4-year member of the AOSFB has been on the Band staff for 38 years having served in several roles. He received his degree in music therapy from Cleveland State University and received his Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Currently, he is Vice President for Education at Beck Center for the Arts in Lakewood, serves on the Board of Directors for CreativeOhio and the Cleveland Arts Education Consortium, and is past president of the Association of Ohio Music Therapists. He received the 2015 Director’s Service Award from the AOSFYC, 2023 Service Award from the Association of Ohio Music Therapists, 2007 Service Award from the Great Lakes Region of the American Music Therapy Association and was inducted into The Ohio State Fair Hall of Fame in 2007. He and his wife Lisa, a 26-year members of the AOSFB staff, are parents of Megan who serves on the staff of the AOSFB and AOSFYC.
Music Staff
Cynthia Snyder RamsdellAssistant Music Director / Collaborative PianistCynthia Snyder Ramsdell returns for a 11th year on the staff serving as Assistant Music Director and Collaborative Pianist. She is a passionate teacher who has given private music instruction in piano and voice to students of all ages and stages for 31 years. A professor at Heidelberg University, she teaches group piano instruction and major and non major piano lessons and serves as the choral accompanist. She is also the collaborative pianist at Fremont Ross High School and is a freelance pianist in the Tiffin area. She formerly served as the Assistant Director of Music at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church in Findlay, Ohio. She received her Bachelor and Master degrees in music education from Bowling Green State University where she studied piano with distinguished teaching professor Virginia Marks. She is married to Dr. Greg Ramsdell and is the proud parent of four wonderful adult children and two lazy cats.
Betsy HarbenCollaborative PianistBetsy Harben is excited to return for a 4th year on the AOSFYC as a collaborative pianist. Mrs. Harben has a Bachelor's degree in vocal performance from DePauw University and a Masters of Music Education from Bowling Green State University. She has been a public school music teacher for 30 years and has found a special passion for K-2 music at Wauseon Schools. She plays frequently for churches, musicals, large group choir, and solo and ensemble events. Mrs. Harben is continuing a family tradition as her husband Chris was a member of AOSFB in '86 and '87 as were her step-daughters Cara and Cami Harben while their son Carson Wenger was a member of the AOSFYC. .
Audrey LAMBertconducting staff
Audrey Lambert is in her 7th year with the AOSFYC, serving on the conducting staff. Mrs. Lambert graduated from Kent State University in 2016 with a degree in Music Education, and in 2021 from Messiah University with a Master’s of Music in Choral Conducting. Currently, she directs six choirs at St. Marys City Schools for grades 6-12. Her students have consistently participated in Honors Choirs, Solo and Ensemble, Large Group Adjudicated Event, and OMEA All-State Choir. Additionally, Mrs. Lambert is a private voice and piano teacher, and serves as the Assistant Director for her school’s musicals.
Darius McBrideConducting staffDarius McBride is a 11-year member of the AOSFYC team serving on the Conducting Staff and leading the tenors. Mr. McBride, who hails from Rochester, NY, is a graduate of Malone University in Canton where he majored in Music Education. He served as the 7-12 Choir Director at Fostoria Junior/Senior High School for 4 years, as well as taught vocal and beginner piano lessons in the Toledo area. Mr. McBride currently resides in Westerville, OH where he serves as the 9-12 Choir Director and IB Music Theory teacher at Westerville South High School. He still teaches private vocal and beginner piano lessons.
CASEY MORARITYPERCUSSION COORDINATORCasey Morarity, coming from Hilliard, Ohio, is in her 2nd year on the staff. She is a graduate from Ohio University with a degree in Instrumental Music Education, with a Minor in Conducting. She is to return to Ohio University to peruse her Masters in Percussion Performance and will be the Percussion Teaching Assistant for the next two years. At Ohio University, Casey Performed with many ensembles including the Wind Symphony, Percussion Ensemble, World Music Ensembles, and the Marching 110. Outside of Ohio University, Casey has performed with Professional Theaters as the principal percussionist on drum set. Shows include “Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812”, “Carrie”, “Kiss me Kate”, “Little Shop of Horror”, with the most recent show “9-5”.
Dr. Greg Ramsdellconducting staffGreg Ramsdell, D.M.A returns for a 7th year as an AOSFYC staff as a member of the Conducting Staff leading the Basses. Dr. Ramsdell serves as Director of the Heidelberg University School of Music and Theatre. In addition, he serves as the director of Choral Activities and Professor of Music Education. In these capacities, he conducts the Concert Choir, the Chamber Singers, and the University-Community Chorus, and teaches courses in conducting and secondary choral methods. He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in music education from Bowling Green State University and his doctorate in choral conducting from the University of Kansas. An active music educator, he taught junior high and high school choral programs in Greenville, Pa. as well as at the collegiate level at Westminster College and the University of Central Arkansas. During the spring of 2018, Dr. Ramsdell received Heidelberg’s prestigious Ream-Paradiso Distinguished Teaching Award, and in the spring of 2021, the student body recognized him with a Faculty Member of the Year Award. Under Dr. Ramsdell’s direction, the Concert Choir has presented yearly domestic tours, and in the spring of 2019, the choir undertook an international tour that included performances in Budapest; Brno, and Prague. In 2022, the Concert Choir was honored to perform at the Ohio Music Educators Association’s annual professional development conference. Greg was named the recipient of Heidelberg’s Jane Frost-Kalnow Professorship in the Humanities in the spring of 2023.
olivia wakefieldCOLLABORATIVE PIANISTOlivia Wakefield returns for a 3rd year on the staff of AOSFYC as a collaborative pianist. Ms. Wakefield holds a Bachelor of Music in Music Education from Xavier University and is a middle school choir director and general music teacher for the Northwest Local School District in Cincinnati. In addition to teaching, she has performed as a collaborative pianist with choirs, wind ensembles, and soloists, and plays regularly at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church,
Operations Staff
Colton ConleyOperations staffColton Conley (Bass II, ‘15) is now in his 10th year as a member of the Operations Staff. He is a graduate of Ohio State University with a degree in Early Childhood Education and attended River Valley High School in Marion. Mr. Conley is in his 4th year serving as a kindergarten teacher with the North Union Local School District in Richwood, Ohio.
courtney coxOperations staffCourtney Cox (Soprano, ‘17, ‘19-‘20) is returning to the operations staff for her 4th year. She is a graduate of Ohio University with a degree in Choral Music Education and a minor in Choral Conducting. During her last semester at Ohio University, she was named as a Presser Scholar and received the Ohio Foundation for Music Education’s Edith M. Keller Scholarship. During her college years she performed with the Marching 110, Choral Union, Bella Voce, and University Singers.
Megan GallagherSocial Media CoordinatorMegan Gallagher returns for her 6th year as Social Media Coordinator. An All-Ohio State Fair Band member for 6 years (Flag ’11-’12, Trumpet, ’13-’16), she serves as the Social Media Coordinator and on the Operations Staff for the AOSFB. She is a graduate of Baldwin Wallace University where she earned her Bachelor's Degree in Arts Management and Entrepreneurship while also minoring in Dance. Currently, she works as the Social Media and Marketing Specialist for Holy Family School and is a Studio Coordinator for School of Rock. In August 2023, Megan got engaged to her fiancé Alex Creighton and will be getting married in June 2025. She is a graduate of Magnificat High School where she was presented with the John Philip Sousa Award.
Cody KemperOperations StaffCody Kemper (Baritone, '14-'17) is excited to be back for a 7th year with the Youth Choir Operations Staff. During his four years as a singer in the AOSFYC, he was active in leadership positions. This included serving in the Honor Guard, as a Choral Assistant, Opus Assistant, and Dorm Assistant. He was honored to sing with the Scarlet Singers. Cody graduated with his Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Cincinnati. He is actively involved in his Nursing Career with various committees and councils throughout his local hospital and practices on a Comprehensive Medical Stepdown Unit. He enjoys singing in his local choir and staying active with various sports throughout the year.
Christopher NethersHealth & Safety DirectorChristopher Nethers is the Choir’s Director of Health & Safety and returns for his 34th year with the AOSFYC. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Music Education from Muskingum University and has been teaching music in the Licking Valley Local Schools for 25 years. Mr. Nethers is a general music teacher for grades K-5 at Licking Valley Elementary School and previously taught vocal and general music for grades 7-12. His work in public safety has him serving Madison Twp. as an Emergency Medical Technician / Firefighter; a lifeguard and Red Cross Instructor of CPR, First-Aid, Lifeguard and Water Safety, for the City of Heath. He serves as a NOAA severe weather spotter and is a member of the Ohio Crisis Response Team. Mr. Nethers was inducted into the Ohio State Fair Hall of Fame in 2011 and was awarded the All-Ohio State Fair Youth Choir’s Distinguished Service Award in 2005. He and his wife reside in Newark, with their three daughters - including Ellie and Alex who have been members of the Choir.
Karen R. PetersonOperations StaffKaren Peterson is now in her 12th year as a volunteer on the Operations Staff. She currently works full time as an acute care Physical Therapist at Aultman Health Foundation in Canton, OH. She received her undergraduate degree in Biology from Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA and a Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree from Shenandoah University in Winchester, VA. Karen currently serves on the board of Deacons at Christ Presbyterian Church of Canton and is involved with the children’s and young family’s ministries. She enjoys hiking, biking and reading and is the proud mom of Ian and Henry.
Brian SkidmoreAdministrative AssistantBrian Skidmore is in his 25th year on the staff, serving as Administrative Assistant. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from Mount Union, a Master’s in Education from Marygrove College, and was ordained a Stephen’s Minister through Cal State. Mr. Skidmore is in his 39th year as a teacher, currently serving as Coordinator for Digital Learning in the Alliance City School District. He served on the staff from 1979-1992 (under Glenville Thomas and Charles Snyder) and returned with Dr. Peterson in 2014. He performed with the Youth Choir on the 1979 European Tour, in the 1980 Rose Bowl Parade, and received the AOSFYC Alumni Presidential Award in 2013. He and his wife Joan, also an AOSFYC staff member, are proud parents of Choir alumnus and former staff member, Nicholas (Bass, ‘12-’13 / Jr. Staff '14-'15) and Bryce who passed away in 2013. |
Joan SkidmoreOperations StaffJoan Skidmore is in her 11th year as a member of the Operations Staff. year as a member of the Operations Staff. She received her undergraduate degree from Muskingum College and Master’s in Education from Marygrove College. She taught for 40 years before retiring in the Alliance City School District. She now serves as a math tutor for Alliance Elementary School. She and her husband Brian have two sons - Nicholas (Bass, '12-'13 / Jr. Staff '14-'15) who is the Director of Media for Athletics at Marist College and lives with his wife, Meredith, in Poughkeepsee, NY. and their son, Bryce, who passed away, at the age of 9, in October of 2013 in an accident. She has come to love the AOSFYC through her family and their excitement of being part of the organization.
charles battagliaDevelopment Associate, VolunteerCharles Battaglia returns for his 10th year with the AOSFYC. This year he changed duties and is serving in a volunteer role as Development Associate, assisting the AOSFYC and the All-Ohio State Fair Band, in raising funds to support the missions of the organizations. Previously, he served as Percussionist and Percussion Coordinator, as well as Equipment Manager. Charles received his BA in English with a minor in music at Youngstown State University, and currently works at Beck Center for the Arts in Lakewood as Associate Director of Development. He and his wife, Carina, live in the Warren area with their young son, Benji. They are expecting twins this spring.
Equipment Staff
Eric EvansEquipment MANAGEREric Evans (Tenor, '17-'20) returns for a 4th year. He is a recent graduate of Heidelberg University from the school of music and theater as a popular music major with a focus in Vocal music. During his four years in the AOSFYC he sang with Scarlet Singers for two years and spent one year on Riser Crew. He has also been working as a part-time instrument repair apprentice at a local repair shop.
Onyx DavisEquipment StaffOnyx Kraner Davis (Alto II, '16-‘18) is in her 6th year as part of the AOSFYC staff as part of the equipment staff. She is a 3-year alumna of the AOSFYC and was section leader in 2018. She has been serving on the AOSFYC Alumni Board since 2019. A native of Jamestown, she is a graduate of Greeneview High School where she participated in OHC Honors Chorus, all of her school’s choirs, musicals, and plays. Currently, she is a Lead Business Services Specialist for Cox Automotive. In her free time, she continues to enjoy participating in shows at her local community theatre XACT, traveling, and getting into music any way she can.
ETHAN HANINGEquipment STaffEthan Haning returns for the 2nd AOSFYC staff as a member of the Equipment team. Ethan graduated from Hocking College with an Associates of Technical Studies, with an emphasis in Cyber Security. He is currently a manager at Donkey Coffee in Athens, and has been performing around Ohio for the past four years with The Wild Honeybees as their saxophone player. Ethan is very excited to work with and be a part of the AOSFYC team as he believes programs such as this are incredibly important.
karissa frischeSound coordinatorKarissa Frische is in her 4th year on the staff as Sound Coordinator, part of the Equipment Staff. She is the current 7th-12th grade Choir director at Loudonville High School in Loudonville, OH. She is a 2022 graduate of Capital University with a Bachelor of Music in Dual Music Education. While at Capital, she was an active member of Chapel Choir, Wind Symphony, and Capital’s Tuba and Euphonium Ensemble. She is also a member of the Ohio Music Educators Association and the Ohio Choral Directors Association. Throughout college, she has been involved with operating audio and video equipment for multiple live events that include concerts, recording studio sessions, and live worship. She is a graduate of St. Marys Memorial High School, where she was also active in choir, show choir, band, and marching band.